The issuing company of this mastercard is payoneer that is why it is called payoneer mastercard. Now you have known more about the card I will now tell you the steps to getting your own mastercard at your doors step for free.
Go to
Click on sign up under blogger, then fill out the form in other to be a registered member of the site. After you must have create your account at reviewme update your profile so that their will not be any obstacle while applying for the mastercard.
After updating your profile, go to the right corner of and click on the mastercard picture there which will look exactly like mine….by clicking it you will be redirected to payoneer sign up page, then click on GET YOUR PREPAID MASTERCARD NOW button which will now lead you to STEP THREE.
This step involves the filling of your information. It is made up of three stages, they are Cardholder Details, Card account information and your ID.
Cardholder Detail: it involves your home/resident address where you will receive your card, here name of any organization are not allowed e.g hospital, schools, banks, post offices e.t.c and in the post code area input the postal code of your area, if you don’t know that ask any post office around you and remember P.O. Box is not allowed.
Card account information: here you are required to put your card information i.e the name that will be written on the card and also filling your secret question and answers and always remember it for it will be need for references in the future.
Fill in your ID: Here is either you fill in international passport details, Drivers license or National ID card details.
After you must have fill in the required information in STEP THREE, in this step four you will be given three option, just tick the three option and then click Finish.
Then you will be taken to a confirmation page, which after you will receive email fro payoneer and after 1-2 days payoneer will send you email notifying you of your status whether your application is approved or not approve. If it is approved then congrats for your card will arrived at 3-4weeks or 20 days.
Goodluck as you apply….