Revelation 21:17 say.......
:-He also measured its wall, 144 cubits[a] by human measurement, which is also an angel's measurement.
Now Check The Picture And What Is In The Bible! Hmmmmm.......... Repent!
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Shut up!!!! The world is not ending coz we have a luka president. He'll show us the way
Jacob zuma will show them da way.... The world is not coming to an end. We shall participate in this act as null void so please dnt get ur pussyz nd dickz jumping nd sit down and relax.....
Scary? Why is it scary? If this is indeed a sign of the times, the only people who should have fear are those who are not born again. Besides, the bible tells us that no one knows that day...not the Angels nor the Son of man. Only the Father knows. Amen.